
March 2017 Photo Blog

March feels like it was about a year long. I was so damn busy this month, it makes me stressed to even think about it again, but I also got to shoot a lot of really fun shows, as well! I don't really have much else to say, other than this was one wild month! Enjoy. 

3/1 - The Japanese House @ Globe Hall

This was the first time I ever shot at Globe Hall. I was really nervous about this show because I wasn't sure how shooting at this venue was going to be and I really wanted to get some good photos of The Japanese House, but it was probably one of the best non-pit shows I've ever shot. The lighting at Globe Hall is amazing and the show was a lot of fun to shoot.

3/3 - 888 @ The Marquis

This was sort of just a passion project. I wasn't shooting this show on assignment for anyone - I just really wanted to shoot 888. So I shoved my way up to the front of the crowd at The Marquis with my friend (and super talented photographer) Mike to get some decent photos. The lighting was kind of challenging and the crowd was super packed, but this was a lot of fun to shoot. Toward the end of the night, I found myself wishing I got a good jump shot of Stills because I had gotten a decent one at one of the band's shows back in December but knew I could do better... And then it sort of just happened. Right place at the right time, I suppose. Now it's one of my favorite photos I've ever taken! 

3/8 - Alex Aiono @ The Gothic

This show was totally not something I would have even thought about doing had I not been on assignment from Interscope (I hadn't even heard of Alex Aiono before I was asked to shoot the show) but of course, it ended up being a really fun shoot! I always find that the photos I don't plan and the shows that are out of my comfort zone are always the most fun to shoot. 

3/14 - Polyphia, Jason Richardson & innerspace @ The Marquis

Shooting at The Marquis without a flash can be a really big challenge, but it just didn't feel right to use one at this show, and as it turns out, I ended up taking some of my favorite photos at the venue this night. Polyphia are a lot of fun to see and shoot, and I'm really happy that I managed to catch the mood of their performance. Also, I just really really love shooting innerspace. 

(Full photo gallery on The Prelude Press)

3/15 - Enter Shikari, Being As An Ocean & Anteroir @ Summit Music Hall

I mean, do I really need to say anything? I fucking love Enter Shikari and they will forever be one of my favorite bands to photograph. This show was a lot of fun. Also, Being As An Ocean is ALWAYS a challenge to shoot, but I decided to shove my way into the crowd to get a few photos of Joel and fans singing together, and I really love them. 

(Full photo gallery on The Prelude Press)

3/16 - The Griswolds, DREAMERS & P O P F I L T E R @ The Marquis

This week, I shot five shows in a row, and this was number three, right in the middle. I was feeling really tired and uninspired but pushed through it to get some photos that I really like. Like the Polyphia show, I decided not to shoot with flash, which gave me a bit of a fun challenge to work with. 

(Full photo gallery on The Prelude Press)

3/17 - The Menzingers @ Summit Music Hall

Like the 888 show, this one was just for fun, but I really love shooting The Menzingers. I didn't get as many favorite photos as I would have liked, but I got to be a dweeb in the pit with Jacki and see Jesus, so it was a pretty great day.

3/18 - The Band Perry @ The Gothic

This was probably one of the coolest and most unique shows I've ever shot. Instead of using the actual stage at The Gothic, there was a small, circular stage in the middle of the crowd, making for a super intimate show even at a bigger venue. The floor of the stage lit up too, which was really cool. But yeah, again, this is a show I never would have thought of shooting in the past, but is one of the best events I have ever photographed. Not only did I get a lot of neat photos, but The Band Perry put on one hell of a show. It's really nice to step out of your comfort zone every once in a while. 

3/30 - Social Distortion &  @ The Ogden

When I got to this show, I was super tired and cranky and feeling really uninspired, but the second that the opening artist, Jade Jackson got on stage, I kind of did a total 180. Her and Social Distortion were really fun to shoot! 

3/31 - Senses Fail @ Summit Music Hall

It's kind of cool, looking back at how many shows I shot freelance or "just for fun" this month! Instead of shooting for a publication, I shot this show for my friend Victor, who provided the lights for Senses Fail's tour. Pretty much any show that he works on is always a dream to shoot, and considering how energetic Senses Fail are, I knew this show was going to be great and wasn't disappointed!